Author: Jan Pavlica

Dixie od Potoka Kačáku- Dixie will turn five in february. She is very beautiful, elegant and intelligent bitch, who surprises us every single day. She is a treasure of our family. We can’t imagine our life without her. She loves our company and hates being alone. Dixie has got an...

On 3rd January 2015 Dixie attended national dog show in Brno. Dixie was in working class with judge Oldřich Nehyba. She won titles V1, CAC. And at that point she has finished  CZECH CHAMPION....

Dixie is one of five siblings from kennel Od Potoka Kačáku. She has became a beautifu and elegant bitch with a friendly nature. She loves company and when she has to be alone for a moment she protests and whines. But she is also a very good guard. She is a...

We will inform you about exams and dog shows we are planning in 2015. We will also inform you about Dixie’s first meeting which is planned in summer 2015. If you like our website and you have any questions or remarks feel free to let us know in guestbook or you can...

Na tuto dovolenou jsme jeli hlavně kvůli naší Dixie. Byla po náročné operaci TTA, při které se vkládá titanová destička se šrouby do kolene, a doktoři nám doporučili jako rehabilitaci plavání. Měli jsme trochu obavy ze slané vody a vysokých teplot, ale Dixie si to u moře moc užila a...

Dnes jsme s Dixie trénovaly na poli dohledávky, vlečky i aporty s bažantem. Jako vždy skvělá práce. Hledání prostě miluje a je vidět jak moc jí to baví. Na každou disciplínu je natěšená a nedá se skoro udržet. Je to můj šedivý blázen se skvělým nosem a chutí k práci!...